
Your New Health, LLC. Program Labs are listed with Lab descriptions below.

Complete and Advanced Health Program Labs:

1. MWP (impaired digestion, oxidative stress, liver & detoxification dysfunction)
2. MBA (Impaired digestive, immune function, leaky gut)
3. FDN SHP (Hormone imbalance)
4. DSL GI MAP (dysbiosis, pathogens)
5. MRT (Food Sensitivities)
6. Metabolic Typing Diet Plan

Your New Health, LLC has access to and can run 60+ labs. Some of the additional and optional labs available to clients (not included with programs) are: Dutch, Complete Thyroid, OAT, Blood Chem, Brain Health, Heart Health, Wheat Zoomer, Mycotoxins, and many More…

1. Metabolic Wellness Profile (MWP)

Why each of the three markers? FLUIDS iQ felt that it was important to go with markers that have a long and successful track
record in reliably assessing body function:

1. Indican is one of oldest and best-known indicators of digestive imbalance, especially that
caused by anaerobic bacterial action in the intestine and stomach acid insufficiency.
2. Total bile acids is a sensitive measure of impaired liver function, bringing with it a decrease
in one of the liver’s main functions… detoxification.
3. 8-OHdG: Cellular function and health is seminal to general wellness. Oxidative stress can
endanger that healthy function. 8-OHdG is universally accepted as a key marker of DNA
oxidative damage. Moreover, it is a cumulative marker that is well suited to shine a light on
the chronic effects of oxidative stress.

2. FDN Mucosal Barrier Assessment (MBA) – Dry Blood Spot (DBS)

Markers Included on this screening

  • Zonulin Family Peptides (Zonulin FP)
  •  Diamine Oxidase (DAO)
  •  DAO: Histamine Ratio

Zonulin (pre-Haptoglobin 2) is a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions
between cells of the digestive tract wall. Once triggered, Zonulin plays an important role in
the creation of what we think of as gut “leakiness”.
Histamine is an important regulator of gut function and plays a key role in the body’s
inflammatory processes.
Diamine Oxidase (DAO) is one of the primary ways our body makes sure that Histamine levels
stay in check.

3. FLUIDS iQ Stress and Hormones Profile (SHP)

Markers Included on this screening

  • Estradiol
  •  Progesterone
  •  Progesterone: Estradio Ratio
  •  Melatonin (Daytime @ Noon)
  •  Secretory IgA
  •  DHEA-S
  •  Cortisol (Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Night)
  •  Cortisol: DHEA ratio
  •  Testosterone

    The Stress & Hormone Profile (SHP) measures 4 point cortisol, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, with the addition of daytime levels of Melatonin and Secretory IgA SIgA), key indicators of immune and stress imbalance or dysfunction.

4. GI-MAP Stool Screen

Markers Included on this Screening

  •  Bacterial Pathogens
  •  Parasitic Pathogens
  •  Viral Pathogens
  •  H pylori
  •  Normal Bacterial Flora
  •  Phyla Microbiota
  •  Opportunistic Bacteria
  •  Autoimmune Triggers
  •  Parasites
  •  Fungi/Yeast
  •  Viruses
  •  Worms
  •  Additional Tests
  • Antibiotic Resistance Genes

    The Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory GI Microbial Assay Plus (“GI-MAP”) includes markers for gluten sensitivity (anti-gliadin IgA), inflammation in the gut (calprotectin), immunity in the gut (SIgA), pancreatic enzyme sufficiency (elastase), and occult blood. It also looks for the presence of pathogens – including H Pylori and other bacteria, parasites, worms and viruses – in the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Oxford Biomedical Technologies – MRT Leap 176

Markers Included on this screening

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Beans/Nuts/Legumes
  • Seafood
  • Meats & Poultry
  • Dairy
  • Chemicals
  • Flavor Enhancers
  • Miscellaneous

The Oxford Biomedical Technologies MRT LEAP 176 screens for hidden inflammatory
responses to 176 different foods and food-chemicals.

 This screening provides insight into inflammation-provoking foods and food
chemicals and identifies the best foods for the individual – the foods that
should form the basis of the client’s eating plan. It is not dependent on
antibody reactions (IgG, IgA, etc).

6. Metabolic Typing® Diet Plan

The modern science of metabolic typing® utilizes various methods for identifying peoples` biochemical individuality and determining their dietary needs. A primary method is the interpretation of “body language,” or the evaluation of any number of the hundreds of different
traits and characteristics that make one person distinct from another in terms of:

  • physical appearance
  • anatomical or structural traits
  • psychological characteristics
  • personality and behavioral traits
  • food reactions and dietary preferences

Believe it or not, all your highly individualized characteristics have biochemical correlates. In
other words, they are a direct result of the unique way in which your regulatory (or
homeostatic) control systems are designed.
We all have genetically inherited strengths or weaknesses (or imbalances) in our:

  •  autonomic nervous system
  •  carbo-oxidative system
  •  lipo-oxidative system
  •  endocrine system