Meet George "Doc Shrok"

The Health Detective

I am a functional practitioner who cares about you! I started my journey learning about the healing opportunities that are possible without all the drugs, pills, and surgeries that it seems like the doctors are leading us to. I got sick of my wife going from specialist to specialist and all they could do is give her
more medication and tell her that her blood labs were perfect. That was a joke! Once she was labeled with a “non-curable” nerve disease called reflux sympathy disease (RSD), they were not willing to do anything else. They do not have vested interest in pursuing it any further, and off to pain management
she went.

The start of my Mission

I was not satisfied! First and foremost, I went to all her doctors (3 doctors) and told them that she needs help losing weight and getting healthy. All her doctors said the same thing, “I can’t help in the category”.

That’s when I knew, the doctors did not have any answers and were not willing to take it a step further toward a resolution. 

This began my fanatical journey to find out how to heal the body. I fell in love with how the body works! It is so crazy how amazing the human body works.

The Realization

I found out that this world that we live in is a disaster area for health! If we follow what the government recommends and how marketing of products just digs us deeper in a downward spiral towards disease, we are doomed to dis-ease. I look at it as it’s not necessarily our fault. Not faulting our parents, but it’s
the way we were brought up through this system and if we don’t “read the fine print” it will slowly by slowly kill us.

It’s like I say, how do you go bankrupt? Slowly, slowly, slowly, suddenly! Health is the same way to disease.

My Hobby

My whole journey through studies became a hobby of mine. I’d go to work and listen to books and podcasts. I’d come home and sit on the porch and read and take notes. My friends were like “that’s weird!” I would just laugh. Maybe it’s weird to some, but fun for me just thinking, maybe I could help someone who’s looking for answers and is willing to listen with an open mind.

I would have a friend with a certain issue and I’d research and dive into it. Give them suggestions, and guess what? It would work for the few that would take my advice, but most didn’t apply my advice and just deal with whatever it was that was their issue. Life as usual for them, but I knew there was something better for them.

Turned it on myself

After years of doing this and researching and learning for other people that wouldn’t listen to me, I finally looked at myself. Boy, I had issues that I just lived with (like everybody else) and looked at them as normal. I was always thinking of other people and not me. I felt like I took care of myself, but when I looked at myself, I knew my health was not normal. Sure, my friends looked at me with and the way I eat, workout, how active I was, and everybody would comment on how healthy I looked. I knew better.

Well eventually I came to the conclusion that I can put everything together and create a 5 phase program to help people to live a healthy lifestyle and regain and maintain health in a health lifestyle to last forever. I was going to call it “G.A.S. Your Future”. GAS are my initials. I thought it was pretty cool.

Off to School

At this point I had been researching schools to go to for functional health and launch my company. I had put it off because quite frankly, they were too expensive for me. Through a conversation one Sunday night with my Dad pulled my line on me. He told me “if you wait till the time is perfect, it’ll never
happen”. I decided to bite the bullet and go to school. I had been researching about 4 schools and decided on Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

This school blew my mind. I knew it was a fit learning in the first module. I was pretty smart and knew that I knew more that most people, but I had no idea how much I didn’t know how much I didn’t know. Wow! The stuff I was learning through this course majorly stepped up my game and my knowledge.

Next Chapter

Upon certification from this course, I now have the knowledge and the ability to help people without any kind of guess work. I can now run labs and run individualized programs to help almost every person with health symptoms. It’s a dream come true!

G.A.S. Your Future was out and Your New Health, LLC. was born!

Feeling good

I worked on myself. My stomach issues….Gone! My celiac diagnosis…. Gone! (tested by scope). My days of suffering from stomach pains….Gone! My hypoglycemic episodes…Gone! My arthritis in both thumbs….Gone! My 25 years of skin issues and dandruff….Gone! My energy levels…. Here to stay! My daily naps….. Gone! Weight fluctuations….. Solved!

I think one of the greatest things is now… all I can say is my belly is light! Don’t know how else to put it. No pain or cramps or anything. Wow! What a difference!

I look at these symptoms as very minor compared to what I see going on with family, friends and so many people and that is why I’m excited to help as many people as I can. I know my issues were small, but oh my god….. what a difference in my health, energy, and well being from how I was. I can’t believe I
looked at life before as normal and “it’s just the way it is”. My doctors didn’t have any answers expect “your perfect, everything looks good”. I think now, boy, that was dumb thinking!

Just know, if you don’t want to work with me, that’s fine. But know there is options for you.

Do your research and find someone that you jive with and put the effort in. There is hope and a better healthier life waiting for you.

Life is Beautiful and doesn’t have to suck!
